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Miss Sally's Unsuitable Soldier

Miss Sally's Unsuitable Soldier

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 She's never run from anything...except love. Luckily, her soldier is up for the chase.

Practical Miss Sally has no interest in ballgowns and parties, which is why she's not exactly thrilled when she's summoned to play nursemaid to the Earl of Elwood. But the old man has made it clear—he's hosting a house party, and she's expected to attend. 

If only assisting the earl didn't entail socializing with the guests. If only those guests didn't include the earl's youngest son. If only that son wasn't a handsome and charismatic soldier dead set on wooing her...


This is a sweet, clean regency romance with a standalone love story. However, there is an overarching plot, so this series is best read in order.

Main Tropes

  • Friends to More
  • Different Classes
  • Forbidden Love


A sweet regency romp filled with laughter and stolen kisses...

Miss Sally is quite comfortable acting as the small town doctor's assistant, providing care for the sick and elderly. So she's not exactly thrilled when the overbearing Earl insists that she come to stay at his manor while he hosts a house party for London's elite.

The ailing man needs her help, so she's duty-bound to say yes. But the moment she arrives, she sees the errors of her ways. Because the earl might ask that she mingle with the guests, be a part of the party...but everyone knows that she doesn't truly belong in their set.

The ladies tolerate her presence and the gentlemen don't seem to notice she's there. All except for one. The Earl's son.

He goes out of his way to befriend her, to make her feel at home. And worst of all, he makes her feel as though maybe she does belong. Not in the elegant manor, no...but in his arms? Definitely.

But Sally is nothing if not practical, and no one would ever approve of such a match. Her head knows this well. But her heart...

That's another matter.

Intro Into Chapter 1

The poor girl had no idea what was coming.

Sebastian Tallimus, the second son of The Earl of Elwood, watched his father rap his cane against the large wooden door of this tidy little seaside home as though he had half a mind to break it down with that blasted stick.

“Are you certain we should not wait and send the housekeeper? Surely Mrs. Huber is better suited—” 

His father’s glare cut him short. “When one wants something accomplished, one must do it himself.” His father’s voice belied his size. A solid half the height of Sebastian, the elder earl’s voice still managed to boom mightily.

Sebastian held back a sigh. What his father meant, of course, was—if one wanted something done, one must do it oneself...rather than let Sebastian handle it.

Years away in the military had done nothing to alter his standing in his father’s eyes. He’d long stopped caring, and he certainly didn’t try to argue the point. 

Arguing with the earl was a useless endeavor. Sebastian had vast experience to prove this point.

“Then perhaps we should wait until Maxwell returns from London,” he said. Sebastian’s elder brother, the Viscount of Bardon and his father’s pride and joy—now he could be expected to accomplish anything. Even talking a poor young lass from the seaside into nursing their crotchety old father with little notice.

Once again Sebastian found himself hoping that no one was home. Poor girl truly had no idea what was coming.

But alas, after one more excessively strong rap, the door was flung open and a maid stared up at them with wide eyes. Sebastian smiled, hoping to ease her obvious fear.

He supposed it wasn’t every day that an earl and his son descended upon this household. 

“We’re here to see Miss Sally Jones.” His father’s booming voice might have been blamed on the hearing loss he was always complaining about.

It might have been...if Sebastian wasn’t fully convinced that hearing loss was just another malady that his father had invented. One in a long, long line of mysterious symptoms and ailments that had been plaguing their father ever since their mother passed two years ago.

After a brief moment of what appeared to be abject terror, the maid hurried into action. They were brought to a small drawing room as she went off in search of the family. He had spotted what he assumed were family members through the window. 

As his father muttered about being kept waiting, Sebastian watched as a bearded gentleman and his lady strolled the grounds, their heads bent together. Unchaperoned, it would seem. 

His lips curved up as he realized they were not totally alone on their walk. Miss Sally was out there as well. He’d recognize her anywhere after watching her work so efficiently as she tended to that large injured bloke the other evening. But she was minding her own business now as she plodded through what looked to be a garden along the side of the house. Her skirts hitched up in one hand, her stick-straight brown hair falling out of a serviceable bun and into her face. She leaned down and plucked something from the ground before shoving it in her apron. 

She straightened then and he found himself holding his breath as she tilted her head back and wiped a hand across her brow. She seemed to be swiping away the hair that had fallen into her eyes, but she left a brown smudge of dirt in her wake.

Once again, the sight of her inexplicably made him grin. 

He was quick to smile, so the grin wasn’t such a surprise, but the feeling that came with it...that most certainly was.

Sebastian rubbed a hand over his chest in wonder at the sensation. Something light. Something good. Something…

Well, just something. 

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Oh yes, he was quick to smile and the first to crack a joke. But despite all that, it had been ages since he’d felt much of anything.

Or at least, it had been an age since he’d felt anything good. 

He gave his head a shake as if that could rid him of the maudlin thought. It wasn’t as though his life was so very bad, even if it was a bit aimless since his father had called him home from the army. 

His father had been steadfastly refusing to even entertain a conversation about purchasing the promotion for which he was now eligible, and insisting instead that he stay close at hand in the event that he suddenly passed away. 

Foolishness, obviously. His father wasn’t even close to death’s door, not by anyone’s measure. But Sebastian had dutifully come all the same. He’d come home, and he’d stayed. Not just because his father insisted on it, but for his brother’s sake as well. It wasn’t fair to leave Maxwell to bear not only the burden of the obligations he’d been taking over for their father, but his father’s ailing health as well.

And so here he was. His father’s trusty sidekick on his quest to talk a young woman with responsibilities and duties of her own to come back to a manor overflowing with stodgy, boring guests so she might take care of an earl who believed himself to be ill.

It should be noted that no one agreed with him on the matter. Not even Dr. Roberts, though the good physician did his best to be affable about it.

He wondered if this girl, this Miss Sally, would be as tolerant and indulgent as the physician who’d recommended her.

Sebastian watched the girl as she walked slowly around the periphery of the garden, her eyes narrowed in thought as she studied the plants at her feet. 

There it was again. That flickering sensation in his chest. That twitch or quiver or whatever it was that made him feel as though his heart had sprouted wings.

Oh dear. Perhaps he was the sick one here.

But no. Sebastian was healthy, and his father was the same, even if his father wouldn’t admit it. 

Sebastian’s lips curved up in a smile that felt far more genuine than his typical rueful smirk or mocking grin as he watched her. The girl shifted so she was facing the window and he had a full view of her stern features and the smudge of dirt that marred the scowl and rendered it adorable. 

No, there was no denying that this sensation was new. 

He straightened his shoulders and turned from the window just as the door opened and the captain came in. “My lord, this is a surprise,” he said by way of greeting.

They’d met the captain before, of course. Multiple times. Though they did not frequent the same circles, the captain had been known to join the earl’s family for dinner on occasion, and then of course there was last week’s gala when the earl had brought their visitors here to the fort for the ball his daughters had planned.

A festive occasion, of that there was no doubt. Sebastian had enjoyed it thoroughly. It wasn’t every day that a ball ended in pirates being stabbed and young ladies being abducted. In fact, he rather wished more balls entailed such delicious adventure.  

He only wished for Miss Sally’s sake that his father had not witnessed her handiwork with the patient. 

He fought a grimace as his father skipped over a fair amount of pleasantries to get straight to the point. “I’d like your daughter to join us at Hampton Manor.”

The captain’s white mustache quivered as he stared at the earl. “I beg your pardon?”

Sebastian assumed this was his moment to take over. His father might not trust him to do much of anything at all, but they both knew that while the earl excelled at issuing commands, Sebastian was far better equipped to explain them. 

“He means Miss Sally,” Sebastian said. “You see, Captain, my father is in need of some assistance.”

The captain’s brows drew down. “What sort of assistance?”

“Looking after my father’s health,” Sebastian said. “Dr. Roberts typically comes to stay with my father when we are in residence in the country for this very reason but it seems he has other obligations—”

“Leaving me high and dry,” his father muttered. 

Sebastian ignored him, his smile growing as he addressed the captain again. “So, you see, the doctor recommended that we ask for your daughter’s assistance. Nothing too taxing, I assure you. We just require someone with some experience in a sickroom.”

“I see.” The captain’s frown was not all together a good sign. Not surprisingly. The captain’s daughters might not have been high born, but they’d been gently raised and this request was not exactly normal.

“Of course we would provide her with a lady’s maid,” he continued. “And she would be welcome at our table, to enjoy all the comforts and amenities of our home along with our guests—”

“I certainly hope that is not required.” The low, soft female voice behind him caught him by surprise, and he turned to see her.

Miss Sally. She’d apparently been speaking to herself and when he turned to see her, she clamped her lips shut and met his gaze evenly.

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